Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The first day brought us to the New Hampshire HQ office for Bernie 2020! We met a number of staff that leads Senator Sanders' grassroots-oriented campaign. Introductions included speaking about our "Bernie Story". Many spoke about how hospital bills have affected their lives due to being uninsured or underinsured and how Medicare for All would benefit their family's lives. I spoke about how the Green New Deal would protect the environment I have grown up around for generations to come, and  the importance of finally prioritizing environmental regulations to ensure clean air and water for all.

I have realized that the message this campaign carries is bigger than one individual, it is a collection of stories and people who believe that healthcare is a right, not a privilege and that we all deserve a living wage, clean air and water for all and many other values that lift the American people and those who are immigrating into the country. This is a campaign of hope, funded by the people for the people.

Let's win this!

Monday, February 3, 2020

My name is Andrea Campos and I will be interning with the Sanders campaign in the Road to the White House 2020! I am a Junior Environmental Science and Policy Major with a Minor in Political Science.

I hope to represent the University of South Florida, St. Petersburg in New Hampshire and work for a candidate I believe in. Bernie Sanders supports the Green New Deal and understands the Climate Emergency we are currently facing. Sanders supports Medicare For All, College For All, and reforms to better our immigration policy. He will develop a society that I want to study, work and prosper in. 

See you soon, Bernie!

Image result for bernie sanders high quality campaign picture"


It is not hard to feel excited when you are surrounded by a group of likeminded students, all ready to face the New Hampshire temperature in multiple layers and a combination of beanies, scarves and gloves easily accessible. 

As I settled in to my seat in the airplane, a Tampa businessman introduced himself and asked about our Road to the White House shirts, the purpose of the trip and which candidate I will be interning for. This was followed by a conversation about how our political ideologies are based on life experiences and how we can create personal connections using the issues we are passionate about. 

I look forward to creating more personal connections with New Hampshire voters in order to elect a candidate I believe in: Bernie Sanders! 

Primary Day is finally here! After our very late night, we went to the office and got ready to canvass. The most important thing is to make...